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This is kinda ODD ~ Kim & Kelly ~ WTF

I know, it shouldnt be odd, they could be friends and enjoy each other....But i have never seen the 2 fatties hanging out together, and remember Kim used to be BFFs' with Paris publicity whore Hilton. That's what i mean, how do you go from Paris to Kelly. Again nothing wrong with Kelly, honestly i think i would rather hang out with Kelly 100 times than with Paris, but i wonder what does this new friendship has in common. They probably talk about their diets, and how they don't work....and what's their next attempt to lose the fat. Awww im too mean, i like them both, and they are not fat at all (cough, cough) Well, we will just have to wait and see if this new friendship will last......

BTW, im so happy that the new look that Kim posted on twitter was just a wig, cuz sister look cheap with the blonde hair.

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