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You better get off my camera, or i'll slap you

This is what happens when you have way too much alcohol, The reporter should have bitch slap this drunk azz

The not longer couple and their show delivered gold ratings!!!

Jon & Kate plus eight minus Jon plus 10.6 million viewers..... This is ridiculous the show was the most watched show for the network, and were able to managed to top their season premier episode. I guess all the buzz about the big announcement got people to tune in to see them say goodbye. Now we will have to see, what exactly they are gonna be doing.... and if the show can still be on air, well now that Jon is gone. I guess they can just filmed episodes in the courtroom, i'm pretty sure that will get people to watch the show......

Congrats to Sarah Jessica Parker and Matthew on the new babies

A publicist for Sarah Jessica and Matthew says that the surrogate mother for the couple has given birth to two healthy girls, and yes they made the names public Marion Loretta Elwell Broderick weighed 5 pounds and 11 ounces, and Tabitha Hodge Broderick weighed 6 pounds. Good for them, and congratulation again on the new addition to the happy family!!! :)
P.S. isn't that great that Sarah didn't have to go through the painful birth or gain any weight.....just a thought lolz

'Real Housewives of New Jersey' delivered GOLD ratings for Bravo

The trashy bitches from 'The real housewives of New Jersey,' finale attracted more than 4.6 million viewers, making it the most watched show on television, and the most watched from the 'The real housewives' franchise. It's for obvious reasons that the finale attracted so many viewers, thanks to Teresa Giudice A.K.A flipping table master!!! Bitches better start thinking what to do for next season, because i doubt that whatever they do will top this season's finale!

Is Susan Boyle the next Britney??

Oh dear Susan, can you actually handle showbiz?? I don't think so, Ms. Boyle canceled her Thursday performance in Liverpool, and yes its the second time she has missed a show on the Britain's got talent tour, and bitch hasn't even being on tour for two weeks. Her rep claims, that the diva needed a rest day, and couldn't make the show. Really??? Bitch is living in a luxurious life and has gotten everything she has asked for and she still fails to make it to yet another date. Time will tell, but i'm pretty sure that her fans won't put up with it!!! I know Britney kept canceling her tour dates back then, maybe you should try Britney's technique now ~ just lipsynch througout the whole show, and just pretend ur awake...and u'll make it!!!

Oh no, not another sex tape ~ Leighton Meester editiion

Really.....Do we actually need another sex tape? First Paris, as usual the whore had to be first, then my fave Kim K. and more Hollywood stars seem to enjoy filming themselves while doing something that i consider kinda private. I understand Paris and Kim needed the extra publicity to get on the map, but you Leighton??? You girls should be a lil' smart and not let any douche film you...and if you do, make sure to keep the original!!!! We'll see if this is gonna be positive or negative to Leighton career.... I hope that it won't affect her at all!!! I heart ya, you lil' gossip girl BITCH.....