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Tori Spelling gets her bikini body back for "90210"

Tori Spelling looks like she is ready to make the long waited comeback to "90210," she seems to have been working out to get in shape. There are many rumours going around about Donna's return to the show, but it's a fact after Oscar winning-writer Diablo cody told in a interview that she will be making a cameo playing herself and consult the character Donna Martin about something fashion-related.

This is some really good news at least for the people who are 90210 fans, that will include me for sure......Congrats to Tori for getting that bangin' body, i mean she must have been working her ass off to get that shape. It's pretty damn hard to get so lean, and i know how hard is to go to the gym!!! Now welcome to the 90210 gang, cuz now you definitely belong to the Skinny bitches club of the show!!!!

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