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Here we go again....Another Miley photo scandal!! Part 2

New York Daily News report tells that the photo of the Disney darling, boyfriend Justin Gaston and her friends slanting their eyes has caused an uproar in the Asian American community, who call the photo offensive and stereotypical.
George Wu, executive director or OCA, told press, “Not only has Miley Cyrus and the other individuals in the photograph encouraged and legitimized the taunting and mocking of people of Asian descent, she has also insulted her many Asian Pacific American fans.”
He continued, “OCA hopes that Miley Cyrus will apologize to her fans and the APA community for this lapse in judgment and takes the opportunity to better understand why the gesture is offensive.”

Really?? ugh you know your famous, when sh*t like this offends a whole community.... Poor Miley, i may not like her, but whatever the bitch is only 16 years old..... She is just having fun, I'm pretty sure she didn't do this to offend anyone out there!!! Probably she was so high and she was just being Miley!!!!

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