Thriller "Taken," starring Liam Neeson as a former spy who must rescue his daughter from modern-day slave traders, snatched the No. 1 spot at North American box offices over the weekend, according to studio estimates on Sunday. "Taken" grabbed $24.6 million in just under 3,200 theaters, for an average of about $7,700 per theater, and it played to a mix of men and women, said a spokesman for its distributor, 20th Century Fox. Fox is a unit of News Corp.. With the media's spotlight on professional football's Super Bowl, overall weekend ticket sales of $103 million for the top 12 films were off 20 percent from the last weekend, and only slightly ahead of the same weekend last year, according to box office tracker Media by Numbers.
Source: Reuters
1. Taken $24.6
2. Paul Blart 14.0
3. Univited 10.5
4. Hotel Dogs 8.7
5. Gran Torino 8.6
6. Slumdog 7.68
7. Underworld 7.2
8. New in Town 6.75
9. My Bloody 4.26
10. Inkheart 3.7
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